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This is the period before the nations even know of peace. Who will be a legend?Who will be on top?
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 Shinzo Omori

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PostSubject: Shinzo Omori    Shinzo Omori  EmptyWed Nov 30, 2011 7:13 am

Name: Shinzo Omori

Alias: 'The Sealing Weight'

Age: 21

Village: Earth

Clan: Omori

Friend/s: Tsuchikage

Likes: Weapons

Dislikes: Aliens in his village

Elemental Affinity: Earth and Wind

Visual Appearance:
Shinzo Omori  SajinFullbody

Class: Ninjutsu, Tactical Nin, Fuuinjutsu

Weapons: Black Bladed Katana

Rank: Sannin

Secondary Rank: Jounin Commander


Strength:20+5+5+5+5 =40

Speed: +5+8+9+20 = 42

Agility: 20+10+10+15 = 55

Chakra/Stamina: 80+25+25+10 =140

Intelligence: 100+18+20+30 =168

Chakra Manipulation: 80 +25+15+13+8 = 141

Endurance/Defense: 20 +25+7+5+9 = 66

Jutsu: Earth Release: Shadow Clone
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu, Clone technique
Elemental Affinity: Earth
Range: Close
Description: This technique creates a shadow clone made of mud of the user. Since its made of mud, it can continue to reform and mould itself back to its original shape. After reverting to mud, it can hold the opponent in place.

Jutsu: Assimilate All Creation
Rank: C
Type: general Skill
Sub-Type:[See announcements]
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Range: Close
Description: With this technique, the user can take on the properties of a nearby object, material, or substance. For example, Nagare took on the properties of a rock and was then able to use his imitation of other techniques, like Assimilated Rock Blizzard and Assimilated Sand Waterfall Funeral. He was also able to turn his skin to rock, either entirely or partly, and could even survive being blown to bits by simply assembling himself.

Jutsu: Earth Release: tearing Earth Turning palm
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Earth
Range: All
Description: This technique causes the ground surrounding the enemy to spiral inwards on itself, burying them alive or crushing them. This technique is capable of causing quite a bit of damage to the area.[2] This technique is much more damaging if used in rocky mountainous areas, or inside a cave.

Jutsu: Earth Dome
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Earth
Description: The user creates a dome constructed from the earth that can protect them from external attacks.

Jutsu: Earth Release: Subterranean Voyage
Sub-Type: N/A
Elemental Affinity: Earth
Range: close-mid
Description:A technique that transforms the earth surrounding the user into a fluid, allowing them to close in on the enemy with high speed by swimming underground. Since being under the ground is a blind spot, the target has no warning; allowing the user to launch a surprise attack. By using this technique in conjunction with a weapon, it also gains great effect as an "assault ninjutsu"

Jutsu:Wind Release: Rasengan
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Sub-Type:[See announcements]
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Range: Close
Description:The Wind Release: Rasengan is an original technique created by Naruto Uzumaki, expanding on the original concept for the Rasengan: mixing one's chakra element with the Rasengan, emphasising the combination of the highest forms of Shape Transformation and Nature Transformation. This task proved too difficult to complete for Kakashi Hatake and the creator of the Rasengan, Minato Namikaze, before his death. Yamato noted that adding one's chakra element with the Rasengan takes an incredible amount of skill, or rather natural talent or instinct.

Naruto mixed his wind element with the Rasengan during his training, maintaining its original stability and increasing its power, far beyond that of his ordinary Rasengan. An example of the power that element manipulation adds to the Rasengan is shown when it was tested against Kakashi's standard Rasengan

Jutsu: Poison Moth Genjutsu
Rank: C
Type: Genjutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Range: All
Description: Fuen first uses poison that is thin and tiny enough to be taken in the air. Her target will inhale the poison and start to see the things that Fuen chooses, like caves, moths, or allies of the target trying to kill the target. When her target is imprisoned in her genjutsu, Fuen charges and kills her target.

Jutsu: Altering Terrain technique
Rank: C
Type: ninjutsu
Sub-Type:[See announcements]
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Range: All
Description: Using her Altering Terrain Diagram Scroll, Fuen maps out an area and then is able to physically modify it to her will by drawing in additions to the terrain.

Jutsu: Earth Release: Wheel of Fortune
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Earth
Description: The user summons a large amount of rock from a giant canyon to be used for other techniques. The user can channel his chakra into the earth to alter the formation, aiding them in sneak attacks. Alternatively, by offering a donation of blood, they can summon a rock in the design of one of Fuen's drawings.

Jutsu: Barrier Shatter Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu, Collaboration
Sub-Type:[See announcements]
Elemental Affinity:
Description: If there is a barrier active, Akaboshi can see in enemy territory and shatter the barrier's source.

Jutsu: Aggravated Rock technique
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Sub-Type:[See announcements]
Elemental Affinity: Earth
Description: This technique simply allows the user to increase the weight of whatever they are touching. When used on living organisms they exhibit petrification and then begin to crumble.

Jutsu: Generic Sealing Technique
Type: Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, General Skill, Fighting Type
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Range: Mid-Range and Far
Description: This technique is a standard ninja skill which allows a ninja to summon an assortment of items that have been stored using fūinjutsu. Scrolls are the most common choice for item storage. When needed, the owner will activate the seals releasing their item or weapon of choice. Scrolls can also be used as ammunition for other weapons or have other seals inside of them, which expands the number of potential tricks a shinobi can use.

Jutsu: Body Shedding
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity:
Description: Used primarily after sustaining massive injury or as a means to elude a seemingly inescapable attack, this technique allows the user to materialise a new body — typically by regurgitating it from their mouth — in a manner that somewhat resembles how a snake sheds its skin. After emerging, the user's clothing and injuries are completely restored, with even amputated limbs being regenerated. Whilst the technique has the additional advantage of potentially being extremely difficult to detect, its use consumes a great amount of chakra.

Jutsu: Chakra Draining Seal
Sub-Type:[See announcements]
Elemental Affinity:
Range:[far, mid, close]
Description: This is a fūinjutsu used by Kabuto Yakushi to drain the remaining remnants of Orochimaru's chakra that was inside Anko Mitarashi due to her cursed seal.

Jutsu: Dead Demon Consuming Seal
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Sub-Type:[See announcements]
Elemental Affinity:
Range: All
Description: The Dead Demon Consuming Seal is a seal which invokes the power of the "death god" (死神, shinigami; English TV "The Reaper"). Once called upon, the death god hovers behind the user and wraps its left arm with prayer beads, which causes a seal to appear on it. The soul of the summoner is also seen along with the death god, restrained by its hair but still attached to the user. The death god then inserts its arm into the user's soul. At this stage only the user can see the death god.

Jutsu: Five -Seal barrier
Rank: C
Sub-Type:[See announcements]
Elemental Affinity:
Description: This technique creates a barrier around a place by placing four "Forbidden" (禁, kin) tags in different locations surrounding the place to be protected, a fifth tag on the location to be protected. The tags are placed on flat surfaces, and are connected with the user's chakra. This technique turns the entire range surrounded by the tags into a barrier space, and inside the space, the material destruction is "forbidden". Using any kind of physical attack to try and destroy something in the barrier is folly, as it will only lead to injury. To cancel this, it is necessary to search for the four tags and tear them off simultaneously. Meaning there must be at least five people on a team to cancel it.

Even if the barrier is broken, there is a final obstacle. The user can add a trap that will create perfect copies of those who have removed the seal, preventing them from returning immediately.

Jutsu: Five Element Seal
Rank: A
Sub-Type:[See announcements]
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Range: Close
This technique produces a powerful seal that is used to block or disturb the flow of chakra in a target. Once the seal is completed, the target will become unconscious and unable to fight for a short time. Orochimaru performed this jutsu to tamper with the seal on the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. The original seal allowed the Nine-Tails' chakra to seep out into Naruto Uzumaki, but the additional seal disturbs this, preventing Naruto from using the Nine-Tails' chakra or even controlling his own chakra properly. This is because an odd-numbered seal creates an imbalance when placed on top of an even-numbered seal. When Orochimaru later notices that the seal has been removed, he remarks that there are very few ninja capable of doing so.

Jutsu: Soul Body Seperation technique
Rank: C
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Sub-Type:[See announcements]
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Description: With the aid of a tag, the user creates a seal which affects a certain area around it removing the soul of the opponents from their bodies. The souls are then sealed within the tag.

If someone comes in contact with the tag or removes it from its place, the souls will be released. The souls appear as ghosts near the one who touched the tag, and are only visible and audible to that person. The souls have no initial memory of their past life however.

Jutsu: Contract Seal
Rank: C
Sub-Type:[See announcements]
Elemental Affinity:
Range: Close
Description: When the user implements this fūinjutsu on a summoner, it removes any direct control the summoner has over a summoned creature. Close contact appears to be required for the implementation of the seal. Minato Namikaze used this technique to wrest a Sharingan-controlled Kurama from Tobi's control. Though the Contract Seal removes the summoner's ability to control its summon, it does not give the user of the fūinjutsu the ability to control the summon in turn, nor does it remove a summoner's ability to continue to summon the creature

Jutsu: Four Corner Sealing Barrier
Rank: B
Sub-Type:[See announcements]
Elemental Affinity:
Description: This technique was designed by Tsunade for the purpose of sealing a tailed beast. The technique is performed with four separate scrolls and a sample of blood similar to a Summoning Technique. Shizune mentioned that good chakra control and concentration are needed to perform the sealing technique. To use this technique, a scroll is needed to seal the numerous amounts of chakra. This technique was supposed to seal the Three-Tails in its own dimension, permanently. This technique has three stages:

Jutsu: Iron Armour Seal
Rank: S
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Sub-Type:[See announcements]
Elemental Affinity:
Range:[far, mid, close]
Description: This is the fūinjutsu that was used to seal the Eight-Tails into Killer B which takes the form of the kanji for "iron" (鉄, tetsu) on his right shoulder. Not much is known about the seal, besides the fact that it was stated by B to be of lower-quality and weaker than the Four Symbols Seal, which contained the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox

General History

Shinzo who was born into the Omori clan inherited its kekke genkai and lived among his family in the Earth village. Like his father who is also a ninja, Shinzo joined the earth's academy hoping to become a strong ninja like his father. The young boy was trained to utilize his kekke genkai at his age to a much larger extent. He was also trained and taught to be comfortable with a variety of weapons as well as summoning them. Because of this,his father went on numerous missions and collected weapons for his son to use and summon as his own such as Bow,
Chain Wind Staff,Club, Crossbow, Dagger, Exploding Sphere, Flail, Fūma Shuriken, Jōhyō, Kusari, Kusarigama, Manriki-gusari, Nunchaku, Senbon, Spear, Sword, Tantō, Tekagi-shuko, Tekko, Three-Section Staff Tonfa, Whip and Wire Strings. Along with the training of weapons, Shinzo was taught various sealing techniques and how to draw the kanjis for them. Because of his well rounded-ness and resilience, Shinzo was promoted to Jounin Commander and given the title of Sannin at a very young age.His skills are said to rival that of Konoha's White Fang, a ninja from ancient times to them. Shinzo's is usually ambiable towards persons but what he despises the most are aliens (foreigners) who come into his village. He thinks this is the reason why the other villages have information on the Earth; spies.

Last edited by Ishidate on Tue May 22, 2012 9:29 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Shinzo Omori    Shinzo Omori  EmptyFri Dec 02, 2011 9:38 am

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PostSubject: Re: Shinzo Omori    Shinzo Omori  EmptySat May 12, 2012 3:24 am

For a Limited time only, you can now either delete this character, or update them. Its your choice, but act quickly, as this offer may never come back again.
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PostSubject: Re: Shinzo Omori    Shinzo Omori  EmptySun May 20, 2012 8:29 am

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PostSubject: Re: Shinzo Omori    Shinzo Omori  EmptyMon May 21, 2012 3:42 am

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PostSubject: Re: Shinzo Omori    Shinzo Omori  EmptyFri May 25, 2012 7:44 am

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PostSubject: Re: Shinzo Omori    Shinzo Omori  EmptySat May 26, 2012 2:41 am

Shouldn't Futon: Rasengan be an S rank tech?
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PostSubject: Re: Shinzo Omori    Shinzo Omori  EmptySat May 26, 2012 7:06 am

Incorrect, there is a difference between Wind:Rasengan and normal Rasengan. The one in the character above has been labelled A-rank.
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PostSubject: Re: Shinzo Omori    Shinzo Omori  EmptySat May 26, 2012 10:21 am

Blocking technique: Absorption technique is an S rank Tech. Also, leon is correct. Futon(Wind Style/Technique): Rasengan is much stronger than a normal rasengan, but isn't Futon: Rasenshuriken
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PostSubject: Re: Shinzo Omori    Shinzo Omori  EmptySat May 26, 2012 10:48 am

So what does this mean?
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PostSubject: Re: Shinzo Omori    Shinzo Omori  EmptySat May 26, 2012 10:30 pm

You're a sannin, so it doesn't matter
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PostSubject: Re: Shinzo Omori    Shinzo Omori  EmptyTue May 29, 2012 6:10 am


Please note, that the appropriate amount of chakra will be subtracted accordingly.
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