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 Training Week

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PostSubject: Training Week   Training Week EmptySun Dec 25, 2011 4:21 am


Day 1[Start]
Vaan casually walked into the the training ground for some rigorous training. However first he would warm up by doing a 10 mile run around the village, knowing that it wasn’t enough he attached weights to each of his appendages that weighed about 20 pounds each and continued his warm up. After his warm up he would lift several logs all weighing 50 pounds each for over 100 times to build his muscles of both his legs and back. Although Vaan was still young he persevered through his training until he was finish with his log lifts. Next was target practice and what better way to start it off was to his a single mark on a log that was a distance away. First he was starts to throw 25 kunai from 50 metres with 24 hitting there mark. He then steps it up by throwing 20 at 100 metres with 17 hitting there mark. He continued this until he reached the 500 metre mark with only 5 kunais with only 4 hitting their mark.

Feeling accomplished Vaan when on to the other part of the training which is the agility/speed training. Knowing that this is the hardest part of the training where he runs through the forest at top speed. He is only allowed to use one kunai and his chakra. No jutsus of any sort is allowed or else he would fail. To make it more challenging he would be chased by the most viscious of forest animals in the stone village such as the two headed mountain lion, the 10 feet tall grizzly bear and the fabeled bigfoot. Although the corse itself was rigorous there was a need to make it more grueling with a upstream swim up a river until he reached the source. Knowing this he still preceded to the starting line with weights still on ready to go.

Shooting off from the starting line Vaan quickly ascended the trees so that he could stay away from the beasts on the ground only to find that it was just as dangerous. However Vaan quickly leaped from tree to tree at full strength while using as little of his chakra to maitain his balance as he jumped from one uneven surface of a tree to another. Just as he stepped on one of the branches it broke making Vaan fall from the trees to the ground on his rump. Luckily he stabbed his kunai into the same tree to slow down his speed so that he fell with a soft thud. Getting up quickly he continued with the run. It was already to late however for Vaan to notice the beast that was stalking him as soon as he left the starting line.

As Vaan sprant through the forest floor he noticed many claw marks along the trees, sugnaling that he was in an animal’s territory. Noticing this he proceeded with caution with kunai at tthe ready. Suddenly a two headed mountain lion appeared behind Vaan so stealthly that he had almost no time to react and barely managed to block the swipe from the beast. Jumping back to gain some space the beast pounced forward nad took another swipe at Vaan’s head who quickly ducked and dived forward and rooled underneath the beast and took a couple lunges at the beast stomach. Seing this the beast quickly jumped forward, away from the blade and turned around with four red eyes glaring at Vaan. He could feel the blood thirst from the beast and he knew this was going to be difficult to fight back. Once again the beast leapt forward with razor sharp fangs at the ready towards Vaan. Knowing he could never block the two mouths at the same time Vaan dodged the beast by dong a side step and quick and well placed kick to the beast hind leg. However it was not enough to cause it to stumble and the beast turned around as quickly as the wind and swiped at Vaan again who then did a front flip over the beast’s body, avoiding the attack. Knowing he was running out of time as the more noise he made would attract more beast he decided to go on the offensive. Vaan then threw a kunai at the beast but it easily ducked. Seeing his oppurtune strike Vaan shoved some of his chakra into his feet to push him off then concentrated more of his chakra into his hands, grabbed one of the beasts’ head and slammed his foot into its snout. This paralysed the beast for a few seconds alowing Vaan to take the other head and gouged out its eyes with great vigour. Quickly Vaan then took the same head and slammed it into the ground and proceeded to run towards his kunai know lodged into the tree pulled it out and threw it with such percision that it landed int the beast’s throat. To fininsh the beast Vaan quickkly dashed towards the beast and planted his foot into the end of the kunai and then caused his chakra to enter the kunai so that it blasted out the other end of the beast. Taking up the kunai Vaan then looked at the beast and had an idea. Taking the beast body he allowed it to cover the whole body and proceeded to continue the course. As expected there were traps galore that sprang but instead of hiting Vaan it was lodged in the beast as he made his way towards the exit being thankful he would not have to fight a bear on this run of the course. Nad wit that Vaan has finished the course in no less than 8 hours, considering the course was about several miles long it was now in the night and Vaan was tired so he cut opened the beast stomach and slept in there

Day 1 [End]

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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptyMon Dec 26, 2011 4:19 am

Enter] Sighing Timothy entered the training ground in an attempt to train, with him he carried waits, chains, books, rations,and a kuni. He pulled a multitude of logs behind him attatched to chains that wrapped around his waist. As he entered he saw Vaan, an old partner. Shouting he said. "hey V. You mind if i cut in on this training.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptyMon Dec 26, 2011 6:13 am

Day 2[Start]

Hearing Tim's voice Vaan crawling out of the beasts intestines covered in slime and what-not went to greet forgetting that he was still covered in gore.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptyMon Dec 26, 2011 6:42 am

As his freind came up to him Tim thought. "well it is training' offering a hand he withdrew it as Vaan reached manifested chakra into both feet and drop kicked him in the chest. The kick sent him flying into a nearby river cleaning him instantly. Turning to the forest Tim started running but was pulled back by the weight of the logs. Bracing himself he took a careful step forward pulling the logs along. After about 1 hour he had built up enough strength to attain a quick walk with the logs being dragged behind him. After another hour he managed a quick jog and was soon deep enough into the wilderness.
Suddenly a roar tore through the peaceful surroundings followed quickly by a bear. This bear was monumental in size. Looking up he saw the massive jaws of the bear lunge after him. Gripping one of the chains he swung as hard as he could and saw as the log slammed into the bears gaping maw. momentum carried the bears mouth only feet from Tim jumping he charged chakra into his fists and brought both hands down in a double handed slam onto the bears head. The movement caused the log to shoot further into his mouth. Jumping off with a sigh Tim strained against the weight of two logs before bringing them together with enough momentum to draw blood as they both slammed into either side of the bears head. This action caused the splinters to tear through his cheeks. As the bear reared up Tim kicked a log under his head [upright] before slinging another with all his might over the bears still dizzy and bleeding head. Slipping to grab the log Tim pulled, every muscule n his body straining and drew the bears head onto the uprite stake forcibly closing his mouth and killing him. Slumping tiredly against the dead animals body. TIm sighed before dozing off to sleep.
A feral snarl woke the young boy as he saw the pack of 18 heyenas. Swearing to himself for leaving the kill open to air Tim gripped all of the chains in both hands and watched as the scavengers aproached in a circle. Spinning he gained momentum before slamming all 40 lohs into each and every animel. Killing sime in the spot and sending others tumbling off into the forest. Gripping the pelt of the bear Tim attached some extra chains to the bear before struggling back to meet Vaan who would be pissed for being kicked in the river. But squeaky clean none the less.
Talking to himself he said " Well thats strength training"
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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptyMon Dec 26, 2011 11:59 am

Coming up for air after the quick surprise attack Vaan was thouroughly peeved at Tim's action and gave chance. But before he could go he slipped on his weights that were even heavier, by another 20 pounds and were strapped on his chest, legs and arms to make it more challenging. Since Vaan was carrying the huge mountain lion on his back the other day the weights felt lighter than the beast making it easier for Vaan to catch up with Tim.

Seeing Tim massacre the bear Vaan waited to see the finishing blow to the bear. After Tim went to sleep Vaan noticed a pack of 30 hyenas that were attracted by the bear's blood and decided that he would be cleaning up.

Springing into action Vaan pulled out his kunai and slammed it into one of the hyenas head then did a roundhouse kick that sent one flying into a pack of them, causing the pack to split with 12 for Vaan and 18 for Tim. "This should be interesting..." Vaan thought to himself as he stood ready to fight of the rabid beasts after killing one of the hyenas.

Vaan slowly walked to the kunai that was stuck in one of the hyenas head and yanked it out in time to throw at one of the unsuspecting beast's head then using his body as leverage vaulted over to do a drop kick in one of the other beasts side and proceeded to wrap his legs around it and broke his neck. Quickly Vaan got up with chakra in his fist to punch one of the beast in his snout and using his other arm to smash its head into the ground killing it. Another tried to bit Vaan in his throat but was met with two hands entering its mouth and being ripped out as blood splattered all over Vaan 's face. By now the beasts were beginning to be more ravenous as they started to attack in groups with one beast going for Vaan's leg and two others for his arms. Noticing this Vaan did a half step back so that all the beast would collide with other and giving Vaan the oppurtunity to do a front snap kick with chakra concentrated that connected with all their heads and smashing them like a dropped pumking. with only three left Vaan was close to victory until he heard a ravenous cackling. When Vaan turned around he saw a giant hyena that rivalved the size of the bear that Timothy killed.
"OHHH CRAP!!!" Vann though to himself.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptyTue Dec 27, 2011 1:41 am

Looking up from the kill he saw the massive heyena facing Vaan. Laughing out loudly he ran towards the large dog/cat thingy. Gripping Vaan by the collar he threw his partner towards the dog/cat thingy [btw can anyone tell me wat the hell a heyena is] jumping after him Tim drew the kuni and felt himself slung back by the shear weight of the logs. Cursing to himself he watched as Vaan started to fight the Heyena. Gripping the chains again, TIm swung the logs knocking the heyena off of his feet. He then flipped with the logs slamming it down onto the heyenas chest. He heard the ribs crack as he slumped away still tired from his other kill. He would have to take the hide to a leather worker to make some pelts and armour. Cause he still would have to leave the training for the chunin exams. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptyTue Dec 27, 2011 5:01 am

Screaming at Tim for his rash actions Vaan had no weapons so he decided to be a wild-man and dived at the spot where Tim had smashed with logs and used as much chakra as possible and started to claw his way through the hyenas thick pelt until he reached the chest and started to do hammer smashes with his clenched and sore fist until one of the bones in the hyena's chest broke again and its fragments punctured its lungs and heart. In a blind rage Vaan continued to smash the hyena's chest until both its fur and Vaan's face, chest, arms and legs were covered in blood.

After demolishing his kill Vaan jumped down, now tired from his rage mode dragged the beast with what little strength he had and pulled Tim's now sleeping body into the beast's now exposed chest cavity where they both rested until the following day.

Day 2[End]
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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptyWed Dec 28, 2011 6:42 am

Day 2

Waking from a fitful slumber tim noticed that he was inside of the beasts chest cavity. Getting up he unwrapped the chains and dived into the river taking a swim as well as catching a few fish for breakfast. Cooking them up he rewrapped the chains and picked up Vaan. Carrying him to a large cage close to the centre of the forest he woke him up and openned the cage releasing hundreds of giant spiders about the size of a large dog. As the were not close enough for the spiders to be an exact threat. He sh0outed to vaan "We can only go to the forest floor". Taking of in a breakneck sprint he tried to avoid the spiders with out using chakra though they could produce chunin level lightning jutsu. Flipping twisting and sliding Tim felt he hairs on his body stand on end as the lightning bolts flew past him. Flipping to the side he saw the fury body of the spider zip past him. Reaching out he caught the arachnid with a trip wire along with four more and used them to ride to safety. Though this made the movement easier. He still had to dodge the others.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptyWed Dec 28, 2011 10:30 am

Day 3 [Start]

When Vaan woke up he was surprised at the scene he was watching. There Tim was dodging giant spiders like a madman while on started to crawl up Vaan's leg. Immediately Vaan punched the spider and got up while pulling out his katana but remembered he left it at his home before the training started. Since he had no kunai and fist were still aching Vaan did the only thing a ninja should be able to do to save his life, dodge like its going out style.

First Vaan sprints through the swarm of spiders as they shoot lightning strikes after lightning strikes which Vaan easily manuevers through by ducking, rolling, back stepping, jumping over other spiders so that their lightning bolts would hit each other. Stopping for a short break Vaan turned around to see just as many spiders from when he started.
"Today is gonna be a long day!!" Vaan said to Tim.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptyThu Dec 29, 2011 6:08 am

Laughing at his friends statement of the obvious, timothy felt the hairs on his arms and back of his neck stand on end. He had become used to responding to his instincts without second thought. Flipping off of the spider he was standing on he saw a blue flash fly under him. Landing he drew both tantos. He saw the trees seperate and a spider burst through. This arachnid was the size of a large building. There was no way he was gonna fight that. Not in his condition. Turning on his heel Tim took off with 85% of his chakra focused into his legs. Looking over his shoulder he saw the spiders mouth open and millions of smaller spiders crawl forth. Redistributing his chakra he sent 50 to his legs and 35% to his arms. Changing his movement from 2 legs to all 4 he started to move through the trees at a speed that caused the surroundings to blur.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptyThu Dec 29, 2011 6:17 am

Upon seeing the giant spider Vaan IMMEDIATELY ran in the opposite direction of both Tim and the spider so that they had a better chance of surviving. When Vaan looked back again and saw the swarm he used 90% of his chakra to maximise the distance he traveled. Deep down Vaan knew he had to find a way to defeat this thing.
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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptyThu Dec 29, 2011 11:10 am

After seeing that Vaan had gotten away Tim stopped and smiled to himself. turning he began to swing his chakre infused fist knocking spiders left and right while walking to the spider. Though the spider possessed a slightly underdeveloped brain it realized that this little boy was actually being one of the only people to face it head on. Calling off the smaller spiders it spat a stream of web hoping to entrap Tim. Seeing this Tim casted the handsigns at a way faster speed than usual and breathed a large fireball that not only burnt the oncomming web. But also singed the spider causing it to scuttle back. Bodyflickering Timothy landed another double handed smash into the spiders head. Though naturally weak, Tims strength was augmented by adrenaline and chakra. Which caused the spider's head to slam deep into the ground. Drawing again at his tanto Timothy began to slice the spider's back and legs with the small fast moving blade. flipping off of the arachnid tim watched it get up and strike out with its almost razor sharp arm. Turning to the side he grabbed the leg and using both strength and momentum sent the spider tumbling off into the trees. Becoming out of breath from this exertion. he turned to ee the spider still getting up. Groaning to himself he said "Just stay down....... please..... it'll make life easier for both of us". It was obvious that either the animal didn't hear or care. Placing his hand onto the ground for support as he had fallen to one knee. Timothy noticed that the earth around his hands had starded to stick to his skin as a result of the chakra present. Cutting off the excess chakra to other extremities he got up with the earth forming a 3 pronged clawed gauntlet. Looking up with surprise he saw the spider charging a ball of blue lightning. Manifesting chakra into his feet he performed the same earth assimalation.
"This is gonna hurt like hell" he mumbled before cocking his arm back and rushing to the spider. As he got closer he felt the electricity i the air. "Yeah this is gonna hurt a hell of a lot" Planting his foot Timothy swung with all of his might at the ball of lightning infront of the spider while whispering "Lets see how shockproof your guts are" As the fist connected with the ballit ruptured. Using the earth on his feet as grounding Tim continued to push. As the ball destabilized it let off an omnidirectional blast that sent Tim literally crashing through trees like they were brak through glass. Sliding along the ground leaving a rut in his wake Tim felt the black starting to close around his consciousness. As this happened the earth was released and electricity surged through him snapping him awake. Struggling to his feet he noticed that his arm was broken in atleast 4 places. Chuckling to himself he looked over to the spider, where it lay steaming. As assumed it couldn't handle the electricity on the inside. It's heart overloaded and all its organs fried. He had only survived because of a fluke. The earth on his feet had insulated him. Not only had the electricity killed the spider and saved his life. But it had burnt down 1/2 mile of forest almost instantly. Dropping onto his back as the electricity left him he could hear the announcer in his head "K/O!!!!!!"
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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptyFri Dec 30, 2011 6:58 am

As Vaan was running through the forest he felt a giant shockwave in the opposite direction. He knew instantly that something had happened to Tim so he turned back to go save his friend. Without realising it Vaan was strucked by bolt in his arm. Vaan turned around to see there was another swarm of spiders that followed him and now blocked his path to his friend. Vaan then had no other choice but to go through the swarm.

With a running start Vaan jumped over several bolts that were aimed for his chest and bounced off a tree branch to land on the thorax of one of the spiders. Like clockwork Vaan jumped again before the other spiders zapped their friend and continued to jump from one spider to another while dodging.

After jumping off the last spider Vaan uppercut it in its face, using his good arm while using most his strength to lift it off the ground then layed another punch into its underside to send it flying off into tree where it splattered all over its trunk. Turning around Vaan quickly ran off in the direction of the giant shockwave he felt only to narrowly dodge another bolt of lightning that came from above. Quickly Vaan looked up to see another swarm of spiders in the trees. Immediately Vaan ran with all his might. He was so keen on dodging the bolts that he was able to feel the static approach him from behind before they met there mark. This continued on until he glimpsed a blue flash coming towards him from a distance. With cat-like reflexes Vaan skillfully slid under the giant lightning strike that arched upwards into the swarm, killing them instantly. Getting back up Vaan knew this was not a good sign. Vaan quickly ran with all his strenght although by now his chakra levels were very low so he was just running on stamina and will-power.

After finally reaching Tim Vaan could now see that his friend killed the spider and now was unconscious. Vaan then walked up to his body and and carried it to a nearby river then borrowed Tim's chains and went back to the hyena's body and attached the chain on it then to himself. Then Vaan went to the spider's body and attached the chain it then on himself. On his way back Vaan discovered the kunai he threw at one of the smaller hyenas was stuck in a tree so he reclaimed it and continued his way back to Tim where he made a stew with both the hyena's body and spider's body by using the lightning sack from the spider to light a fire and using the water from the river to boil both of them in made a delicious meal for both of them.

Day 3[End]
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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptyFri Dec 30, 2011 7:02 am

Ha like i be waking up for a while. told you it was gonna hurt
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PostSubject: Re: Training Week   Training Week EmptySun Jan 08, 2012 6:23 am

Seeing that they were too exhausted to train anymore Vaan decided that he would abandon the training for now and start anew.

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